Installing the the front beam
Despite being driven in Finland in snow and on salted roads in winter time the under carriage has survived well. There is no rust damage and all the bolts and nuts are coming off easily when needed. This is due the intensive anti rusting with some oil+stuff mixture periodically. Naturally whenever I need to do something under the car it gets messy... But it is a fair trade-off.
So I decided not to remove the fuel tank this time (it is full) but just tilted it as much as possible. Unfortunately the 41 years old fuel tube underneath didn't like the twist and started to leak. I didn't notice it until the next day by the aroma of gasoline ouside... There was a good pond of 95 octane and the above mentioned antitrust on the floor. Luckily the air compressor didn't go on during the night producing sparks.
Lately I've been mostly ventilating the garage and blogging...